Community Growbox


Wellbeing Led Action

If we really want to make a positive difference in the world we need to be ok in ourselves. You might know that “you cannot pour from an empty glass” or “you need to put on your oxygen mask before helping others”. When you’re busy community volunteering it’s easy to forget this - these tools are to help you find your wellbeing.

Caring for Your Group

How well we work together matters. Caring for your group can make a huge difference in the impact you have together. These tools can help you get to know each other better, support meetings to go well and get your tasks organised.

Engaging Others in Your Community

Want to engage more people in what you’re up to in your community? Wish you could get a few more people involved? These tools can help you to get to know people living near you better, plan the future with them in mind, and keep moving even if you don’t yet have everyone on board.