Meet the partners…
Manchester Climate Change agency is the lead partner of the In Our Nature programme.
The Agency, in collaboration with Manchester Climate Change Partnership, is responsible for overseeing and championing climate action for the city, helping Manchester to achieve its ambitions of becoming zero carbon by 2038.
As well as setting science-based targets and recommendations (read the 2022 update of the Manchester Climate Change Framework here) and reporting on Manchester’s progress towards zero carbon (read the latest Emissions report here), the Manchester Climate Change Partnership and Agency also work together to catalyse and accelerate action across the city and position Manchester as a global leader for climate change; sharing expertise and best practices (read the latest Impact Report here).
Social media: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
Website: www.manchesterclimate.com
Hubbub is an environmental charity that creates campaigns around sustainability that are fun, enjoyable and sociable. At Hubbub we believe that living in a way that is better for the environment, our families and our communities should be accessible to everyone.
We concentrate on things you're passionate about and are relevant day-to-day, like fashion, food, the homes we live in and the spaces around us. Hubbub is leading on the city-wide communications campaign and will be delivering a series of community projects across the city to help make
Hubbub is the communications and campaign lead on the programme.
You can read more about Hubbub and their current campaigns here.
Groundwork Greater Manchester is striving to create a greener, fairer and stronger GM for all people and places. We focus on those that need support the most and harness the strengths of GM’s people, places and communities to mobilise practical action on poverty and the environment and drive positive change.
With our In Our Nature partners, we are working alongside people who are already taking action to address the climate crisis in their local community. We are learning from them about what works in engaging more people in practical and meaningful action and supporting them to involve more people and develop new projects in response to local people’s aspirations.
Tyndall Centre is a key delivery partner on the programme.
The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research is a partnership of universities bringing together researchers from the social and natural sciences and engineering to develop sustainable responses to climate change. We work with leaders from the public and private sectors to promote informed decisions on mitigating and adapting to climate change.
At Tyndall Manchester we work with organisations to translate global climate change goals into local action, drawing upon research experience on carbon emissions, energy systems, social practices and governance.
Amity CIC is the community engagement lead on the programme.
Amity means friendship and harmony between individuals or groups. It also means deep relationships and mutual understanding - which we aspire to create by sharing an understanding of how humans function at the most fundamental level. At Amity we are fascinated by the process of bringing people together to take inspired action and lead change in their community and we care deeply about understanding and sharing the fundamental human factors for this being successful. Through our Programmes, Coaching and Group Facilitation we guide people to realise their innate potential for creativity, collaboration and wellbeing.
For the programme Amity will work alongside each community group to deliver a bespoke Inspired Community Action Programme. This programme will inject sustainability into community action by supporting groups to understand the source of inspiration. Groups will be guided in their development as they decide how to respond positively to the climate emergency. Amity will facilitate residents from across Manchester to come together to expand their impact, and will also ensure the programme remains community-led by supporting members of the groups to be central to decision-making. Participants will also be welcomed into the Amity Community - an online space in which members connect with others for support and inspiration as they enact positive change in their local communities.
Manchester City Council is a key delivery partner on the programme.
Manchester City Council declared a Climate Emergency in July 2019. The declaration recognised the need for the Council, and the city, to do more to reduce CO2 emissions and mitigate the negative impacts of climate change. It committed the city to become zero carbon by 2038 at the latest.
The Council is a key member of the Manchester Climate Change Partnership. The Council’s Climate Change Action Plan 2020-25 was developed to ensure that all aspects of the Climate Emergency Declaration were converted into clear actions with tonnes of CO2 savings identified. The Plan builds on over a decade of previous activity which has seen the Council’s direct CO2 emissions reduce by 54.7% between 2009/10 and 2019/20.
Since declaring a Climate Emergency, the Council has set about transforming the way it works to ensure that climate change is at the heart of the organisation and our work with partners. A key focus of activity is engaging at the neighbourhood level to reduce carbon emissions. We are working with communities to influence behaviour , so that reducing carbon emissions is built into the everyday activities, not only of the Council but our community organisations, local businesses, and residents. This will include the production of ward carbon reduction action plans across the city which capture local initiatives and demonstrate how these can contribute to the overall targets for the city.
You can read more about Manchester City Council by visiting here.