A guide to using the tram by Flavours from Manchester’s Go Green project
Flavours from Manchester’s Go Green project have created this handy tram tutorial video to help you explore the city.

Here comes the sun! Sow the City’s advice for going solar
Sow the City’s community workshop, the Boiler House in Moss Side, is now powered by the sun! Thinking of going solar? Sow the City are shedding some light on solar panels.

Build your own wormery with Myco Manchester
Learn how to build your very own at home wormery with this handy animated tutorial we created with Myco Manchester.

This one setting on your boiler could save you up to £65 a year
Your boiler might be working harder than it needs to! Change this one simple setting today to save money on your energy bills…

Top tips for saving water at home
We can all play a part in climate action by being conscious of our water usage in everyday life. Check out our tips to find out how you can reduce the amount of water you use!

So, you want to start a bike library?
Bike libraries are a great way to get more people to give cycling a try. Whether you're interested in setting up your own bike library, or just curious to find out what's involved, check out this resource by MCR Bike Kitchen.

Insulating your historic building: a guide by Station South
Is your older building losing too much heat? Need some insulation inspiration? Look no further!

A beginner's guide to getting a bike shelter
Want to build a bike shelter for your community space but not sure where to start? Take a leaf out of St Margaret Centre’s book!

Explore the Green Superhero workbook to save energy and money
Get your hands on the Green Superhero workbook filled with puzzles, games and tips to save energy and money at home. Happy home, happy planet!

Get creative using natural materials to dye your clothes
When it comes to giving your wardrobe and your home a new lease of life, there’s so many ways to incorporate natural materials!
Time for a tactical substitution: 5 quick wins to get more plants on our plates
In the UK we eat around twice the global average of meat (UN FAO) and this comes with a massive environmental impact – animal farming is responsible for 14.5% of global emissions.

Future Directions Green Superheroes are swooping in to save the day with their energy saving tips!
Future Directions Green Superheroes teamed up with In Our Nature through our Community Support initiative to save energy at home, save money and save carbon. Now they're sharing what they've learnt, so you can do it too.

A student’s guide to life in Manchester
Make student life a breeze! Explore our guide to get the best from Manchester, from travelling around the city, finding vintage gems, saving money on your bills and eating out with your pals - we’ve got you covered.

Sustainable fashion: video tutorials for upcycling your wardrobe
In Our Nature is all about thinking outside the box when it comes to protecting our planet. Whether you have clothes you’ve grown out of, want to give a new lease of life to, or you have some scrap materials you’d like to make use of, there’s so many ways to reduce, reuse and upcycle!

Different types of planters, and what’s best for you!
Growing your own food is a fantastic way to save money, reduce your carbon footprint and have access to fresh, tasty produce all year round.

How to set up a Friends Group
Friends Groups are local volunteers who work together to undertake practical projects in green spaces such as a parks, allotments or nature reserves. Together, they arrange events and fundraise to improve their valued green space.

DIY pet toys you can get your claws into
Toys are great for keeping our pets entertained, but a lot of the time they can be quite expensive or quickly end up in the bin (especially if your dog is the chewy type…)

Take the lead, and explore the outdoors
One of the best things about being a dog pawrent is that dogs need to get outside every day come rain or shine! Although they’re not always super convenient (like first thing on a Monday morning or in the middle of a typical Manchester rainstorm…) these daily plods help keep us fit, healthy and connected to the great outdoors.

How to make your own self-watering planter
These DIY planters store water in a hidden reservoir to help your plants stay hydrated for longer. The best part is they’re super easy to make yourself from materials you can find at your local garden centre or DIY shop. Check out our step by step video with Ciaran from Sow The City to learn how you can make your own…

Low carbon weaning recipes with Walking Mum’s Club
Tuck into some recipes that are good for your baby and the planet too!